Welcome to the research website of the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen.
Our research has a strong focus on early detection and early treatment of common diseases. It covers fundamental research on a molecular level, development of new medical devices and software tools, and translates these results to clinical applications that can be used in daily routine. Our mission is to bridge the gap between research and practice and to help shape the future of healthcare. We use technology to make healthcare more affordable by increasing automation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, thus freeing manpower for those areas in patient care in which the "human touch" is most needed.
The six fundamental science groups cover ultrasound (MUSIC), biomedical MR (BioMR), diagnostic image analysis (DIAG), nuclear medicine (NucMed), advanced x-ray tomographic imaging (AXTI), and Image-guided Interventions (MAGIC). Clinical research is mainly focused on prostate, breast, chest and vascular disease.
Publications can be found on each of the research group pages in the menu on the right.